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Skidmore College
Residential Life

Packing List

A list of essentials and suggestions for students living on campus. Our Packing list also includes items that are not approved. This is only a suggested list of items to bring with you. Please speak to your roommates before purchasing to avoid duplication. Please avoid using lists provided at stores, as they often contain prohibited items.

Many of these items can be purchased on campus at the Skidmore Shop. Visit their site to view some of their inventory and get a sense of what you can purchase right on campus!

We want to ensure every community is safe, so if you have any questions please feel free to contact our office.
Phone: 518-580-5765 or Email:

The Sleeping Essentials

  • Sheet set
  • Mattress cover
  • Mattress pad/foam pad
  • Comforter & blanket
  • Pillows

The Clothing Essentials

  • Clothing for Fall
  • Laundry basket
  • Laundry detergent
  • Clothes hangers

The Winter Essentials

  • Thick coat
  • Hat, gloves & scarf
  • Boots
  • Shovel & snow brush/ice scraper (if you are bringing a car)

Medical Essentials

  • Face Masks
  • Thermometer
  • First aid kit
  • Prescription medication
  • Tylenol, ibuprofen, cough drops, and cough medicine

Other Items

  • Computer/laptop
  • Fan
  • Alarm Clock
  • School supplies
  • Air freshener
  • Surge protector power strip with on/off switch
  • Under Bed Storage Bins (no taller than 30”)

The Cleaning Essentials

  • Towels
  • Soap, shampoo, etc.
  • Shower flip flops
  • Wastebasket
  • Paper towels
  • Disinfecting wipes
  • Small vacuum cleaner
  • Hand sanitizer

Emergency Preparedness

  • Health insurance card
  • Passport
  • Flashlight & batteries

Apartment Items

  • Plates, cups, utensils
  • Cookware - pots and pans
  • Bathroom and Kitchen Cleaning Supplies

Outdoor Gatherings

  • Camp chair
  • Beach Towel or Outdoor Blanket

Talk to your roommates/Housemates to decide who’s bringing:

  • Mini refrigerator (no bigger than 3.3 cubic feet)
  • Television
  • Game Systems


  • Halogen Lamps
  • Tri-Color Octopus Lamps
  • Extension Cords
  • Microwaves
  • Pets
  • Alcohol & Alcohol Paraphernalia (Beer Pong Tables, Funnels, Kegs, etc.)
  • Illegal Drugs & Drug Paraphernalia (Hookahs, Grinders, Vaporizers, etc.)
  • Smoking Paraphernalia (Pipes, Ash Trays, etc.)
  • Candles
  • Incense
  • Tapestries
  • Weapons
  • Bed Risers
  • Large Bass/Stereo/Amplifier Systems