Linda Simon
B.A., Queens College
Ph.D., Brandeis University
In France, Fall '09
Teaching and Research Interests:
- Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century American Literature and Culture
- Non-fiction Creative Writing
- Biography (as genre and craft)
- Interdisciplinary approaches to literary criticism
Courses Taught:
- EN 110: Introduction to Literary Studies
- EN 211: Fiction
- EN 281: Writing Arts Reviews
- EN 378: Travel Writing
Selected Publications:
- The Biography of Alice B. Toklas (Doubleday, 1977; U Nebraska P, 1991)
- Thornton Wilder: His World (Doubleday, 1979)
- Genuine Reality: A Life of William James (Harcourt, 1998; U Chicago P, 1999)
- Dark Light: Electricity and Anxiety from the Telegraph to the X-Ray (Harcourt, 2004; Harvest, 2005)
- The Critical Reception of Henry James: Creating a Master(Camden House, 2007)
- Edited Gertrude Stein Remembered (U Nebraska P, 1994)
- William James Remembered (U Nebraska P, 1996)
- Also author of several college writing textbooks and essays and reviews in scholarly journals and popular periodicals.
- General Editor of the journal William James Studies
- Editor of the series Mind and American Literature (Camden House).