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Skidmore College: Liberal Studies1
Fall 2003

LS 1 Summer Reading Seminars: Frankenstein
Tuesday, Sept. 7, 2004

1:30 pm -3:00 pm

(Room Schedule applies to Orientation only)

Summer Reading Seminar Rooms
Tuesday, 7 September
LS Section Instructor Building Room
001 E. Bastress-Dukehart TLC 304
002 D. Nathan TLC 201
003 T. Kuroda TLC 303
004 W. Fox TLC 307
005 K. Hemingway Jones LaddÝ 106
006 N. Taylor TLCÝ 204
008 P. Hardy PMH Emerson
009 P. Hardy PMH Emerson
010 U. Giguere BO 103
011 U. Giguere BO 103
012 T. Diggory PMHÝ 304
013 P. Hilleren TLC 205
014 S. Layden LI 213
015 L. Rosengarten FI 207
016 S. Solomon TLC 305
017 S. Belden BO 101
018 M. Marx PMH 302
019 M. Youndt PMH 202
020 T. Lyell PMH 201
021 M. DiSanto-Rose SR 202
022 D. Brent TLC 202
023 A. Barnes PMH 301
024 W. Lewis LaddÝ 206
025 W. Lewis LaddÝ 206
026 M. Wiseman BO 100
027 J. Delton TLC 308
028 V. Ross PMH 303
029 V. Ross PMH 303
030 L. Lopes FI 206
031 F. Bonneville TLC 203
032 F. Taylor LI 442
033 K. Klotz LaddÝ 207
034 P. Hardy PMH Emerson
035 M. Wiseman BO 100
036 T. Smith TLC 208
037 S. Goodwin TLC 207
038 T. Lyell PMH 201
039 M. Tamagawa TLC 301
040 K. Carso BO 280
041 C. Batker DNA 276
042 G. Recco TLC 203