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Faculty Presentations
LS 1 Project
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Skidmore College: Liberal Studies1
Fall 2004

Course Description

LS 1:  Human Dilemmas focuses on developing skills in critical inquiry and critical thinking as you explore enduring problems central to being human in the contemporary world. Drawing from disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and cross-cultural perspectives, the course examines three "Human Dilemmas": human identities, justice, and human ecologies. Each of these units is grounded in an anchor text and supported by several articles and faculty presentations that will help you tease out the complexities inherent in the problem of each unit. During the semester you will write three papers that emphasize skills in critical thinking. At the conclusion of the course, you will submit a problem analysis project that you have been working on throughout the semester. 

You will attend a Liberal Studies 1 large group presentations once a week and participate in small seminar discussions twice a week. In addition to the large group meetings and seminar meetings, special LS 1 events are scheduled throughout the semester to enhance your LS 1 experience. Attendance at these special events is required; material from them will be important for your papers and project.

Skidmore faculty from all areas of the college have planned Liberal Studies 1: Human Dilemmas so that it provides you and your classmates with a shared experience that will serve as the foundation for your academic and co-curricular life at Skidmore.