Close up view: 16 Track Remote Control unit.
Look at the column of buttons on the far left. use "ALL REPRO"
for mixing, "INDIVIDUAL" for using the samller toggles along the bottom
to control each track mode independently. Fore example WHEN RECORDING: Use:
INDIVIDUAL, placing the track you ARE ABOUT TO RECORD INTO INPUT (toggle up
for that track#) and any TRACK YOU JUST RECORDED into "SEL-REP" (Select
Reproduce = "Sync" mode).
Keep the left knob on "FIX" (speed control). YOU CAN press "SEARCH ZERO" to return the tape to zero, or you can set a "CUE POINT" (a point you want to return to over and over) by playing the tape to that point...and pressing SET CUE 2X quickly. To return to that cue point you just set press "SEARCH CUE". These "cue" buttons are a great time save.
The "RESET" button should be pressed each time you freshly load the tape on the machine, when starting your session.
THE REST OF THE CONTROLS on this remote control the usual transport functions like: PLAY/RR/FF/STOP etc.
RECORD: hold down the RECORD button and press the PLAY button at the same time.
The RECORD light should *NOT BE FLASHING* but on solid when recording!