Revolution and Social Upheaval 1870 and the Commune
1 23456
--unit one
--unit two
--unit three
--unit four
--unit five


image banks
--l'assiette au beurre
 --La Vision de Hugo
 --Zola au Pantheon

 --Les Quatre Saisons de la Kultur


The images on the following pages come from two sources: 
 John Leighton's  PARIS UNDER THE COMMUNE. (London: Bradbury, Evans, 1871), which boasted numerous illustrations, sketches taken on the spot, and portraits from original photographs. And the anonymously authored RUINES DE PARIS (Paris, undated),  a very rare collection of 12 colored lithographs of the destruction of important Paris monuments under the Commune. John Leighton, an Englishman, happened to be traveling in France at the time of the Commune. His book is a day to day record of his observations. Leighton's horror of the Commune is recorded in many of his drawings.  It is instructive as well as amusing to see how Leighton and the anonymous lithographer of the "ruines" have depicted the same events. On page one, we see the famous demolition of the Colonne Vendôme, as well as the debris left after the burning of the Théâtre de la Porte Saint Martin by the Federals.


Skidmore College Foreign Language Department web site design by Jennifer Conklin '98 revised August 1998