Department of Foreign Langs. & Lits.                               110 Jefferson Street

Skidmore College                                                         Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

Saratoga Springs, NY 12866                                      (518) 587-9919

(518) 580-5205                                                             



   Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, 2002, University at Albany-State University of New York.   Dissertation: The Effects of Computer-Assisted Main Idea Instruction on Foreign Language Reading Comprehension.

   Ph.C., French, 1987, University of Washington.

   M.A., French, 1983, Arizona State University.

   B.A., French and Music, 1978, Central Washington University.



   Director, Foreign Language Resource Center and Lecturer in French, Skidmore College, 1991-present.

   Pre-doctoral Teaching Associate in French, University of Washington, Summer,1990.

   Instructor in French, Bellevue Community College, Spring 1990.

   Pre-doctoral Staff Associate in French, Language Learning Center, University of Washington, 1989-1990.

   Pre-doctoral Instructor in French, University of Washington, 1988-1989.

   Instructor in French, Extension Program, University of Washington, Summer 1988.

   Assistant 100-level Coordinator in French, University of Washington, 1987-88.

   Pre-doctoral Teaching Associate in French, University of Washington, 1982-84, 1985-88.

   Lecturer in English, Universit de Nantes, France, 1984-85.

   Faculty Associate in French, Arizona State University, Fall 1981.

   Teaching Assistant in French, Arizona State University, 1979-81.



   A wiki project for independent and collaborative learning, Northeast Association for Language Learning Technology (NEALLT) Conference, Rochester Institute of Technology, March 12, 2005.
Using technology to promote learner autonomy and creativity, CALICO (Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium) Annual Symposium, Carnegie Mellon University, June 12, 2004.

   When to say No:  Defining our roles as center directors, panelist, NEALLT Conference, Princeton University, March 21, 2004

   A constructivist model for digital video projects:  From theory to practice,   Co-presented with Shirley Smith, Northeast Association of Language Learning Technology (NEALLT) Conference, Union College, March 23, 2003.

   Negotiating lab roles and functions, panelist, NEALLT Conference, Union College, March 23, 2003.

   Filmmaking as a tool for teaching language, literature, culture, Co-presented with Professors Richard Bonanno and Shirley Smith, American Association of Teachers of Italian, Toronto, Canada, November 10, 2002.

   "The Staffing of 'Not Just Another Computer Lab,'" panelist, Northeast Association for Language Learning Technology (NEALLT), University of Pittsburgh, May 4, 2002.

   "Computer-assisted reading strategy instruction: An empirical study," Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO), U.C.-Davis, March 29, 2002.

   "The language center:   Still a physical space? panelist, NEALLT Conference, SUNY-Stony Brook, March 24, 2001.

   La tlmatique dans le curriculum:  pass rcent et futur proche," Congrs Mondial du Conseil International des Etudes Francophones (CIEF), Sousse, Tunisia, May 28, 2000.

   "From virtual to real:   Theory and practice in remote collaboration for German language learners,"   Co-presented with Professor Mary-Elizabeth O'Brien, Usage des Nouvelles Technologies dans l'Enseignement des Langues (UNTELE), Compigne, France, March 25, 2000.

   "Outcomes and assessment of multimedia courseware : Implications for design," Technology & Teaching in New England & New York: A Look into the Future (organized by CTW Mellon Project), Wesleyan University, May 25, 1999.

   "Multi-tiered educational technology support: Faculty, staff, and student issues , " panelist, NERCOMP Conference, Sturbridge, Massachusetts, March 22, 1999.

   "Remote collaboration: Theoretical and practical considerations ," co-presented with Mary-Beth O'Brien, NEALL Conference, Hamilton College, March 14, 1999.

   "Mellon projects at Skidmore College," NEALL Conference, Skidmore College, March 6-8, 1998.

   "The Mellon Project at Skidmore College: Conception and organization" presented as part of a session, "A successful paradigm for the development and implementation of multimedia courseware," CATE 98 Conference (Computers and Advanced Technology in Education), Cancn, Mexico, May 27-30, 1998.

   "Web-based activities for Maghrebian francophone studies," Le Maghreb la croise des cultures (Conference for Francophone Studies), Hammamet, Tunisia, June 16, 1997.

   "Spinning gold from the World Wide Web: Adapting internet resources for classroom activities," Northeast Association of Learning Laboratories (NEALL) Conference at Siena College, October 1994.

   "Research in learning strategies through CALL error analysis," Modern Language Association Conference, December 1990. Julia Herschensohn, co-author.



   Poetry translation of Djahnine, H (2007).Lointain et si proche... / Distant and So Near (Cindy Evans). CELAAN. 5, 30-35.

   Co-authored with Shirley Smith a chapter to be published in 2009 by IALLT (International Association of Language Learning Technology) in the volume Task-Based Activities III: Constructivism in L2 Learning:  Building Authentic and Creative Video Activities.




   "Podcasting,"  Faculty Lunch Seminar, Skidmore College, April 13, 2007.

   Blogs and Wikis, Faculty Lunch Seminar , Skidmore College, March 21 ,2007.

   "Digitizing Film Clips and Developing Instructional Materials," workshop for the regional AATG (American Association of Teachers of German), Skidmore College, June 1, 2002.

   "Planning for the new curriculum," Skidmore College, May 21-24, 2001.

   "Putting CALL into perspective:   Theory, design, and evaluation of technology in the FL curriculum, Skidmore College, May 4-5, 2000.

   Authorware demonstration and discussion," Skidmore College, November 29, 1998.

   " Developing multimedia resources with X-Media Engine Templates,"  co-conducted with David Herren of Middlebury College, NEALL Conference, Skidmore College, March 6-8, 1998.

   Semi-annual workshop series for FLL faculty on using the X-Media Engine templates to create multimedia lessons with the Guided Reading and Guided Listening and Viewing programs, Skidmore College, 1996-1998.

   "WWW francophone resources," workshop on La Francophonie for secondary and post-secondary teachers, (funded by Services Culturels), Skidmore College, May 17-19, 1996.

   "The WWW for foreign languages," workshop for Skidmore faculty, May, 1995.



   ACTFL OPI Familiarization and Implications for the Curriculum, Chantal P. Thompson, February 24-25, 2006.

   Web Templates workshop," Dan Beeby, January 20-21, 2000.

   Libra/Gemini workshop," Robert Fischer, May 5-8, 1999.

   "Assessment workshop;" Judith Liskin-Gasparro, visiting consultant; March 26-27, 1999.

   "Using the MANNA authoring system for video activities," Alexander Nakhimovsky, May 4, 1998.

   Language pedagogy and technology," Nina Garrett, February   6-7, 1998.

   Hosted the annual NEALL (Northeast Association of Language Learning Technologies) Conference, at Skidmore, March 6-8, 1998.

   "Using the MacLang authoring system," Judith Frommer, May 1992.



   NEALLT (Northeast Association of Language Learning Technology), member since 1991, Secretary-Treasurer 1998-2000, Vice President / President Elect March 2000-May 2002, President May 2002-March 2004, Past-President, March 2004-present.

   NERALLT (New England Regional Association for Language Learning Technology)

   IALLT (International Association of Language Learning Technology), IALLT affiliate representative to CALICO, February 2005 to present.

   CALICO (Computer Assisted Language and Instruction Consortium)

   ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages)

   ACSUS (Association for Canadian Studies in the United States)

   AIEQ (Association Internationale des Etudes Qubcoises)

   IDRS (International Double Reed Society)



   External reviewer for Lafayette College pilot project implementing electronic portfolio assessment for foreign language majors and minors.

   NITLE-sponsored Boot Camp Workshop, Pomona College, 10-13 April 2008."Implementing a Telecollaborative Project for the Language Class", Pre-conference workshop, CALICO Annual Symposium (Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium), University of Texas, San Marco, May 22, 2007.

   NITLE Emerging Technology Workshop, Whitman College, April 3, 2007.

   NITLE Multimedia Narrative Workshop, Skidmore College, December 18-20, 2006.

   Quebec Studies Program Grant ($3125) from the Quebec Government to support the development of a new course entitled Narrative and Identity in Quebec, awarded April, 2006.

   Digital Editing and Podcast Production, CALICO pre-conference workshop, University of Hawaii, May 16, 2006.

   ACTFL OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview) Tester Training Workshop (French), University of Maryland, November 14-17, 2005.

   A constructivist approach to digital video projects:   Theory and practice.   Co-presented with Shirley Smith as invited speakers at Union College for a series in instructional technology for faculty, May 19, 2003.

   Skidmore Faculty Development Grant to participate in the Quebec Summer Seminar organized by the Center for the Study of Canada, SUNY Plattsburgh, August 4-11, 2002.

   Summer Leadership Conference for IALLT Board and Council members (International Association of Language Learning Technology), University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, June 20-22. 2002.

   "Virtual Language Lab Workshop," Center for Educational Technology, Middlebury College, November 5-6, 2001.

   Skidmore Faculty Development Grant to fund an assessment instrument for a study entitled "The Effects of Computer-Assisted Main Idea Instruction on Reading Comprehension in Learners of Intermediate French," January-June 2001.

   Sound advice for QuickTime." NEALL pre-conference workshop, SUNY-Stony Brook, March 23, 2001.

   "Streaming media with your OSX server," NEALL pre-conference workshop, SUNY-Stony Brook, March 23, 2001.

   "Which web course management system is right for me?   A comparison of WebCT 3.0 and Blackboard 5.0," CALICO pre-conference workshop. Univserity of Central Florida, March 13, 2001.

   BYU's multimedia testing template," CALICO pre-conference workshop. Univserity of Central Florida, March 14, 2001.

   Videography and Digital video editing workshops, Middlebury College, November 10-12, 1999

   Quick and easy interactive web pages, NEALL Pre-Conference Workshop, Hamilton College, March 12, 1999.

   Xmedia Engine XP for trainers, Middlebury College, November 1, 1998.

   "Creating annotations for reading and listening to authentic language texts: GALT/macGALT, LIBRA, and other authoring systems," Language Acquisition Resource Center at San Diego State University, June 29-July 3, 1998.

   "The state of the art in language testing: The users' perspective," sponsored by the National Foreign Language Center, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C., June 15, 1998.

   "Languages across the curriculum," Stephen Straight, Skidmore College, April 25, 1998.

   Residency at Middlebury College to continue work on multimedia lessons, July 14-18, 1997.

   Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Grant: "Foreign Language Instruction & Information Technology Project."   Member of the planning team and co-author of the proposal.   Grant for $287,134.00 awarded on March 17, 1997.

   Residency at Middlebury College to continue work on multimedia lessons, January 17-22, 1997.

   Project 2001 workshop for the development of technology in FL instruction, Middlebury College, June 12-22, 1996.

   Title VI Grant for International Studies and Foreign Languages: Attended A.C.U.O. workshop in Washington, D.C., September, 1994 to prepare for grant process and disseminate information to Skidmore faculty.   Worked with faculty in I.A. program to write the grant, served as departmental liaison, chairing the FL dept. subcommittee.   Grant awarded in March 1996.

   A.C.U.O. workshop on the Department of Education grant program for International Studies and Foreign Languages, Washington, D.C., September 26, 1994.

   "Summer institute for information resources," Skidmore College, June 1994.

   "Integrating interactive technology into the humanities curriculum: Applications and models," M.I.T., May-June, 1994.

   "Rassias intensive language method workshop," Dartmouth College, February 1992.



   Director of the Mellon Project for Technology in Foreign Language Instruction, 1998-2001, Assistant Project Director, 1997-98.

   Director of two mini-grants from Middlebury College, Project 2001 which funds student interns for instructional technology projects 1997-1999.

   Conducted extensive formative and summative evaluation for the Mellon Grant Project, Summer, 1998.



   Elementary French (Arizona State University, University of Washington, Bellevue Community College, Skidmore College)

   Intermediate French (Arizona State University, University of Washington, Skidmore College)

   Advanced Grammar and Composition (Skidmore College)

   French Cultural Conversation (Skidmore College)

   Introduction to Literary Analysis (Skidmore College)

   Introduction to the Culture and Literature of Qubec (Skidmore College)

   Languages Across the Curriculum (Skidmore College)



   Developed a new course offering for the French section entitled Introduction to the Culture and Literature of Qubec.

   Develop multimedia activities using various authoring platforms for foreign language, literature, and culture curriculum.

   Develop web-based instructional sites for all levels of French.

   Provide training and support to faculty and student assistants in developing computer-based instructional materials.



   Coordinator of the Self-Instructional Language Program, 1996 to 2000.

   Coordinator of the FL Placement Testing, 1991 to present.

   Departmental Computing Liaison, 1992 to present.

   Coordinate Departmental Program Assessment

   Skidmore Representative to the inter-institutional Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum Consortium



   Multimedia Subcommittee

   Budget Subcommittee

   International Affairs Committee

   International Affairs Grant Subcommittee

   Mellon Grant Planning Committee

   Mellon Steering Committee (chair)

   Assessment Committee (chair)

   Technology Committee (chair)

   Writing in the Disciplines Committee