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Faculty and Staff Books, Articles, and Activities

Pritzker co-edits American Indian encyclopedia (10/17/07)

Professor of English Linda Simon pens The Critical Reception of Henry James (10/16/07)

Unruly Bodies latest work by Associate Professor of English Susannah Mintz (10/01/07)

Associate Professor of History Jennifer Delton discusses minority hiring in Chronicle (9/28/07)

Stange challenges seminary's curriculum in USA Today opinion piece (09/24/07)

Solomon honored by American Psychological Association (09/06/07)

Capital Rep recognizes Carolyn Anderson as "Shining Star" (08/13/07)

Two books by historian Jordana Dym (8/3/07)

Stange essay posits that Martin Luther wouldn't have condemned homosexuality (7/9/07)

Ceramist Regis Brodie featured in summer exhibition (6/28/07)

New books by Peg Boyers, Natalie Taylor and Sue Van Hook (6/1/07)

Athletic Director Gail Cummings-Danson National Lacrosse Hall of Famer (5/29/07)

Rotheim receives EOC's first-ever Community Recognition Award (5/10/07)

Rabbi Linda Motzkin becomes scribe of sacred texts (4/24/07)

Stange takes on "purity balls" in USA Today essay (3/19/07)

Millhauser publishes essay in New Yorker magazine (3/11/07)

Chemistry Professor Giguere praised in Post-Star editorial (2/27/07)

Ginsberg's delivers Moseley Lecture (2/21/07)

EU at 50 topic of Ginsberg's latest book (1/19/07)

Chiteji co-edits Wealth Accumulation and Communities of Color in the United States (12/21/06)

Stange examines religious intolerance at Christmastime in USA Today essay (12/11/06)

Woodworth writes history of celebrated indie-rock album Bee Thousand (11/13/06)

Stange sees a Trojan horse in "anti-takings" movement (11/3/06)

Prasad co-edits Handbook of Workplace Diversity (10/10/06)

Brueggemann co-authors Racial Competition and Class Solidarity (8/28/06)

Jay Rogoff discusses new book of poetry in Gazette Q&A (8/13/06)

Odekon edits Encyclopedia of World Poverty (5/25/06)

Aronson's study of photographer Green supported by Getty grant (5/24/06)

Moore one of 12 national Hartford Faculty Scholars (5/23/06)

Stange discusses religion, the environment, and domestic policy in USA Today opinion piece (4/23/06)

R. Parthasarathy's work featured in Poetry magazine (4/19/06)

Stern, Sattler receive Guggenheim fellowships (4/17/06)

New Karp book, Wounds That Do Not Bind, grew from death penalty conference at Skidmore (3/6/06)

Newberg publishes foreign policy essay in Yale Global (2/28/06)

Ennis-McMillan writes A Precious Liquid: Drinking Water and Culture in the Valley of Mexico (2/8/06)

Addy, Marsalis Creating New Jazz Piece for Lincoln Center (01/23/06)

New edition of Scarce's Eco-Warriors published (12/16/05)

American Studies Association honors Zangrando (11/17/05)

William Lewis writes Louis Althusser and the Traditions of French Marxism (11/8/05)

Karp discusses campus justice in Inside Higher Ed essay (10/31/05)

Prasad writes textbook on quantitative analysis (10/31/05)

Boyers has two books published: Excitable Women, Damaged Men (stories) and The Dictator's Dictation: The Politics of Novels and Novelists (essays) (10/20/05)

Ginsberg gives talk at Princeton Institute for International and Regional Affairs (10/7/05)

Tom Lewis writes The Hudson: A History (9/29/05)

Janes explores topic of decapitation in Losing Our Heads (9/26/05)

Odekon authors The Costs of Economic Liberalization in Turkey (9/1/05)

Scarce opinion piece published in Chronicle of Higher Education (8/12/05)

Breslin essay compares Supreme Court nominees, past and present (7/21/05)

Stern Publishes The Angel of Forgetfulness (6/1/05)

Rangil book explores role of women in argentinean cinema (5/25/05)

$720K NIH grant to further Hilleren's genetic research (5/4/05)

Rubio co-edits collection of essays on Latin American women writers and artists (5/4/05)

Addy premieres new musical work (4/22/05)

Stange discusses papal selection process in essay (4/18/05)

Chaplain Emeritus Davis publishes book on clergy's role in promoting reproductive rights (4/15/05)

American Studies Scholar Receives Research Grants (3/21/05)

Nathan, students win award for film essay (3/11/05)

Turner posts essay on Electoral College (10/24/04)

A Church Divided examines Protestant churches under Nazism (10/12/04)

Levith publishes Shakespeare in China (08/19/04)

Casey edits new collection on Depression-era fiction (07/30/04)

Solomon studies relationship between fear of death and voting preferences (07/30/04)

Brodie one of 10 ceramic artists invited to International program (07/30/04)

Stange criticizes road building plan in USA Today (07/23/04)

Simon Book illuminates 19th century attitudes toward electricity (06/29/04)

Nathan's Saying It's So named book of the year by two organizations (06/08/04)

Bermans edit book on cultural role in the concept of self (06/03/04)

Kennelly co-authors opinion piece in Irish Times (05/20/04)

Stange authors opinion essay in USA Today (05/06/04)

Hodgins receives $230,000 NSF grant to study human motivation (05/05/04)

Curley wins $22K grant from Loeb Classical Library Foundation (04/14/04)

Kennelly opinion piece published in Irish Times (04/02/04)

Stange authors opinion essay in USA Today (03/31/04)

College announces new artist-scholar residency in honor of McCormacks (03/16/04)

Skidmore to share $600K grant from Mellon Foundation (03/02/04)

Breslin book on communitarianism published (03/01/04)

Stange in USA Today, Women's Review of Books (02/19/04)

National Book Critics Circle praises Forché poetry anthology (02/03/04)

O'Brien publishes book on Nazi cinema (01/30/04)

Jolly curates Hair: Untangling a Social History at the Tang (01/23/04)

Millhauser, Berry cited in year-end book reviews (12/11/03)

Major music association honors Joseph book (10/21/03)

Creative Thought Matters.
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